2022 Design Trends: A healthy mix of familiarity and change

It’s that time of year again where we find ourselves anticipating what the future holds for the design world. We’ve been enduring a pandemic for over two years now, with our sense of normality constantly shifting as each month goes … Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Visual Design

What Kind of Mobile App Do You Need?

Understanding the hows and whys of different development approaches Clients often ask us which technical approach they should take in creating a mobile app. Like with many great UX questions, the answer is “it depends”. In this case, it depends … Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Technology

Cloudberry’s Favorite Health Apps

Throughout the pandemic, many of us at Cloudberry have turned to our devices to help us maintain and improve our overall health and wellbeing. We decided to take a deeper dive into what makes our favorite health apps shine—specifically with … Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Visual Design

How to conduct user research without even showing up

Unmoderated testing provides yet another method for gathering valuable insights Setting up qualitative user research requires recruiting the right set of participants, and determining the best way to conduct the sessions. The options include using a lab or testing center, … Read more

Categories: Experience Design

Two New Tools We Love for Remote Work

As we’ve all experienced for over a year now, the pandemic brought on many challenges as much of the world was forced into a virtual working model. But the show must go on, and companies across the globe quickly had … Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Visual Design

Tips and Tricks for Stock Image Searches

In my previous blog post, I discuss different types of stock image sources and give some general guidance regarding where to begin. Let’s say you’ve now chosen a stock photo website as a starting point—what happens next? That single website … Read more

Categories: Visual Design

A Guide to Stock Image Sources

Photography is one of the most important elements when it comes to establishing and communicating your brand effectively. Chances are, if you’ve ever had to design a website or put together a brochure for a client, you’ve needed to gather … Read more

Categories: Visual Design

What “good” looks like in presentation design

Clients often come to us seeking help with the craft of writing and designing presentations, so we thought we’d share some of our core principles. We’ve assembled these, along with specific tips that you can put into practice right now. … Read more

Categories: Visual Design

2021 Design Trends for a Changing World

Check out and share our downloadable summary guide on this blog post. Every year, we see the same smattering of posts throughout the design world talking about the top trends to look out for the following year. These trends tend … Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Visual Design

Remixing UX – Ideal Times to “Mash Up” the Process

A key trait of a successful UX designer is the ability to think outside of the box. This is especially true behind-the-scenes, where we must navigate through a series of hurdles before a final experience is delivered.  To effectively communicate … Read more

Categories: Experience Design