6 Sites that Get Parallax Scrolling Right

Parallax scrolling can help transform dry reading into an engaging narrative, particularly when paired with healthcare or financial services. Here are some examples that do a good job. Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Visual Design

Got a Wide Load? 6 Creative Solutions for Wide Web Content

Usage of the horizontal browser scroll is widely recognized as a bad practice by UX specialists. However, since wide content continues to exist online a number of different creative methods have developed to accommodate horizontal layouts in a user-friendly way. Read more

Categories: Experience Design

Key Takeaways from the IA Summit, 2013

Baltimore, MD / April 3 – 7, 2013 The IA Summit is an annual conference that brings information architects and user experience practitioners together to collaborate and build new skill sets in this ever-evolving field. This year the conference was held … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry, Experience Design

Responsive Web Design: Examples from the Health Sector

In recent years, the health insurance sector has increasingly reached out to consumers through mobile and social channels. However, despite this proliferation of online services, the health sector has been slow to optimize their brand pages for mobile through responsive web … Read more

Categories: Experience Design

Web Content Writing Part II – Just Say It

As seen in Part I of this series, Web Content Writing Part I – Basic Survival Skills, our readers’ brains are in survival mode—trying to forage through the streams of content coming at them to find what is valuable. We, … Read more

Categories: Digital Marketing

Cloudberry Integrated Marketing Campaign Promotes New Telehealth Product in NY

Teladoc and Beth Israel have partnered to bring a new telehealth product to New York, connecting residents remotely with health care providers. Cloudberry worked with the two brands to form the new campaign, creating a page that is easy to navigate … Read more

Categories: Digital Marketing

2012 World Usability Day at Cloudberry

Cloudberry had the pleasure of hosting our second annual World Usability Day event on November 8, 2012. World Usability Day (WUD) is an annual collection of events held worldwide, where professionals gather to discuss the creation of user-friendly products and … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry, Experience Design

Making Interactive Experiences iPad Friendly: 4 Scenarios and Their Solutions

Until recently, Flash was the go-to program to create an interactive experience. While it was never the only program of its kind, it was loved by designers for being intuitive and simple for creating animations and multimedia experiences. In addition, Flash … Read more

Categories: Digital Marketing, Experience Design

Web Content Writing Part I – Basic Survival Skills

Your readers’ brains are in survival mode—surrounded by a culture where short formats are the norm and content is coming at them from every corner—overflowing Google Readers, text alerts, email to check, streams of updates on Twitter and Facebook in the … Read more

Categories: Digital Marketing

Cloudberry Experience Architect Wins Treasury Department Grand Prize

The U.S. Treasury Department awarded Cloudberry experience architect Nicole Kendrot the grand prize in its 2012 MyMoneyAppUp competition. The competition required innovators to submit mobile app design concepts to help Americans make good financial choices and shape their financial futures. Nicole’s winning app, Centz, … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry