The goods behind good experience

Category: Cloudberry

14 results

The Impact of Visual Persuasion and Experience Design: What Can We Learn from B2C E-commerce?

Humans are visual creatures and the human brain can process an image in just 13 milliseconds. That means that few assets are more effective when capturing attention, driving action, and building user experiences than a picture. We all know a … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry, Experience Design, Visual Design

The Rise and Trajectory of FemTech

In a time where areas of women’s health, namely bodily autonomy and reproductive rights, are at the forefront of many political discussions, safely and easily accessing necessary information is more important than ever. Could FemTech be a step toward access … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry, Experience Design, FemTech, Healthcare, Technology

Email Deliverability and Efficiency

Updated August 28, 2023 | Mikhail Kornienko and Jane Herzig-Garza Published January 23, 2017 | Mikhail Kornienko Even with all the advancements in content delivery media, email still stands as one of the most widely used and trusted approaches for … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry, Digital Marketing, Experience Design, Technology

Working in Costa Rica – tips for working remote in the jungle and other faraway places

After more than two years of living out the COVID-19 pandemic in our 900-square-foot apartment in Brooklyn, my wife and I decided to try living in Costa Rica with our three-year-old daughter for a while. Brooklyn has a population of … Read more

Categories: Project Management, Remote Work

Understanding Scope Creep and How to Avoid It

We’ve all been there before — a one-month project timeline turns into three, and we’ve become lost in a seemingly endless sea of revisions. It’s quite common for projects to shift after the kickoff, making it easy to fall victim … Read more

Categories: Project Management

Icebreakers, When Done Right, Can Make All the Difference

It may sound corny, but I have a soft spot for icebreakers. Like you, I’ve sat through my share of icebreaker activities where I’ve either dreaded my turn to speak, or twiddled my thumbs as I counted down how many … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry

How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Working from Home

Greetings from my new home office, aka the bathroom! Just kidding (or am I?). While working from home with two small kids isn’t quite that dire, I’ll admit to some dicey moments where locking myself in the bathroom actually felt … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry

Does Your Password Pass the Test?

Security has found its way into so many areas of our lives that we’re using passwords every day. Many companies are fortunate to have teams dedicated to supporting information security, allowing most employees to go about the workday with little … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry, Technology

Our UX team is helping clean New York’s waters

To stay passionate, grounded and curious, we at Cloudberry assist with projects that empower our community through technology. This summer, we are excited to team with the Billion Oyster Project (BOP), which runs an ambitious effort to restore oysters throughout … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry, Experience Design

Getting the Most Out of Your Testing Sessions

Here at Cloudberry, we are always looking for ways to increase efficiency and obtain more feedback from our users. When it comes to usability testing, we have a few ways we try to accomplish those goals. We run pilot tests … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry, Experience Design