The goods behind good experience

Category: Visual Design

26 results

Berry Picks: UX Design Collaboration Tools

Collaboration is the key to keeping your project team on track. Email and instant messaging programs can quickly overflow with the constant stream of information that most projects generate. Wrangling this information can help increase your team’s ability to keep up … Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Visual Design

Wireframing Checklist

We know that wireframes are more than lorem ipsums and placeholders. To ensure a seamless handoff to our visual design colleagues, we devised a checklist of to-do’s. We thought you might want to take a peek. GETTING STARTED Make sure … Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Visual Design

Atomic Design from a Developer’s Perspective

Cloudberry recently hosted one of its Lunch and Learn sessions for the team. During this session, the topic of “atomic design” was presented by Associate Creative Director, Nalina Sarma. Nalina discussed this methodology and its principles and explained how the … Read more

Categories: Cloudberry, Experience Design, Visual Design

Boost Your Site’s Performance with Web Fonts

As well as good looks and legibility, web fonts offer a number of benefits that contribute to a smooth user experience, amped up site performance, and better SEO results. Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Visual Design

The Evolution of the Infographic

As more data emerges in the world, infographics are being used more than ever to help people understand and break down complex ideas. Read more

Categories: Visual Design

6 Sites that Get Parallax Scrolling Right

Parallax scrolling can help transform dry reading into an engaging narrative, particularly when paired with healthcare or financial services. Here are some examples that do a good job. Read more

Categories: Experience Design, Visual Design